
AFEMJO-CLM - Asociación para el Fomento del Empleo de los Jóvenes de Castilla-La Mancha

Workshop Pictures

Description of the organisation:

AFEMJO-CLM - Asociación para el Fomento del Empleo de los Jóvenes de Castilla-La Mancha (Association towards the Improvement of Youth Employment) is a non-profit organisation that was created in 1994 by a group of young unemployed. We began training and supporting disadvantaged young people who were socially excluded and faced barriers which made it difficult for them to participate in training and gain employment. Though we took our first steps as a NGO in Ciudad Real nowadays we have a regional scope.
During the passing years, we have consistently exceeded our target groups and we consider our success in the recruiting and retaining trainees and workers to be one of our biggest achievements. Immigrants, unemployed people from rural areas, young people with less opportunities (coming from low rent families), unemployed women, and long-term / middle-aged unemployed people are other social groups we assist.
Our NGO has strong links with local schools, the youth service and other agencies which work with young people. Staff are well trained in equal opportunities and experienced in working with young people who require considerable support in order to achieve their potential and progress to further training and employment.
As an NGO our main goals are:
-     To facilitate the access to labour market to unemployed people.
-     To increase the initiatives of young people.
-     To increase self employment.
-     To implicate young people in the solution of community problems.
-     To offer social and cultural services.
-     To disseminate the concept or “Europe” as an inclusive community.                           
-     To disseminate the contents of European Programmes (Youth, Leonardo, EuroMed, etc).
-     To facilitate and formulate occupational and training programmes.

AFEMJO-CLM website

COCAT - Coordinadora d'ORganitzadors de Camps de Treball de Catalunya

Description of the organisation:

COCAT (Coordinadora d’Organitzadors de Camps de Treball de Catalunya )is the Coordination Platform of Workamp Organizers of Catalonia, a platform of youth organizations: Cruc, Fundació Pere Tarrés, Fundació Escolta Josep Carol, and RAI, with the aim of coordinating workcamps in Catalonia, as a tool for personal development among the youth and local development for the communities where workcamps take place.

The members of COCAT, as entities with a participative and socialworking base as we are, want to foster workcamps as a tool of international voluntary service to potentiate cultural exchange. Web et for the spreading of the awareness of Catalonia among youngsters from all over the world, from the singularity which represents it and knowing the social and cultural reality of Catalonia.

From Cocat we want to promote that every workcamp has the principles of transversality, autonomy and reciprocity, in order to potentiate the active and decisive participation of beneficiaries during all the process of development of the projects.

We also want to potentiate a direct relationship of youngsters from different social, cultural and geographical realities and entities. Always working from the values of interculturality, conflict transformation and peace culture, sustainable development, and finally having activism and creative expression as a tool of participation and transformation.

(information from the COCAT website)

COCAT website

 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This blog reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.