French Guyana

Djambel Free Touch

Description of the organisation:

Djambel Free Touch is an NGO, it exist since 10 years now, his principal aim is to promote the hip-hop dance and his movement within it is completely integrated. The dancers who compose it have between 16 and 37 years old and come from different social background, our particularity is in the pluriethincity of the group which reflect the social and geografic reality of our society. A few of the youngsters are disadvantaged, - dropped school and have difficulty finding employement – others try to develop their employability skills by trying to get qualification. Since, 2003, we allowed a few dancers of the organisation to deliver some lessons 2 at 3 time a week at the local place of our organisation in schools and other dance associations.
We also organise some events such as trainings and urban festival and battle.
Our client groups are children, yougsters and some adults.

Djambel Free Touch website

Ecole des Parents et des Educateurs Guyane Ouest

Description of the organisation:

The E.P.E.G.O. (School of Parents and Social Workers of Guiana West) is an non-profit organisation and member of a federation of 43 other Schools of Parents and Educators; the federation headquarters are located in Paris.
The primary objectives of the EPEOG are the following:
-         To assist individuals in improving their life by developing their personal resources, their analytical skills and their knwoledge, taking into account relationships between generations, as well as their cultural, economic and social background.
-         To provide private and public organisations involved in education means to acquire a better understanding of children, teenagers, and family life.
-         We have developed an itinerant game/toy library, the ‘’Mobidulo Fabulato’’ within the framework of the European youth program.
-         We organize meetings between parents and different professionals
-         We organize training of communication for the parents and professionals who work in education
-         We organize NonViolent Communication training in school

E.P.E.G.O. website

 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This blog reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.