
Supporting Kids in Peru (SKIP)
Workshop Pictures:

Description of the organisation:
SKIP is a UK non-profit organization helping economically-disadvantaged children in El Porvenir (Peru) to realize their right to an education. We promote quality education and foster the capacity of children and families to be the principal agents of change in their own lives. We work in partnership with families through holistic programs focusing on the educational, economic, emotional and social development of each child and family.

"Beneficiary" population
The majority of the people living in El Porvenir have immigrated from either the mountains or the rainforest; many have been victims of terrorism or abuse. They come to Trujillo because there are more opportunities for a better life in the city, but the situation in El Porvenir is far from ideal. Most of El Porvenir's inhabitants complete only a primary education. Temporary manual labor jobs are about the only work opportunities available to these residents. By age 25, the average woman will have three children and will be more than twice as likely to be illeterate than her male counterpart. SKIP currently works with 145 families and more than 400 children aged 3 to 18 living in various area of the Disrict. Most of the children (338) are now enrolled in the public school system in various different schools, at either primary or secondary level.

Our programmes
SKIP believes that quality education is an important and sustainable route towards development. SKIP also understands that families are the principal force in the lives of children and therefore works with the entire familiak unit, to ensure that children are supported by loving, economically stable families. We develop programmes that focus on two specific areas.

SKIP website

 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This blog reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.