Costa Rica

AssociaciĆ³n Cultural de Intercambio de Costa Rica / ACI - CR

Description of the organisation:

ACI-CR is a non profit organization, whose main activity is the facilitation of exchange of young people from different countries, sharing ideologies, beliefs and cultures, as a means of approaching the differences between the people of the world. ACI-CR also organizes Eco-Camps, Work-Camp, short exchanges, and international activities in general. ACI-CR is member/partner of the International Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE), with the Head Office in Berlin, Germany and with committees in five continents. This is a federation of exchange organizations at the world level, created to promote cultural exchanges among youth from around the world. Around 600 exchanges take part in the program every year, experiencing a different culture, language and society. ACI-CR was founded in Costa Rica in 1967 and it is affiliated with the National Registration of Associations of Costa Rica with the identification number 3-002-078957-26.

ACI website

 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This blog reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.