Associación Uruguaya de Difusión del Español como Lengua Extranjera
Workshop Pictures:
Description of the organisation:
AUDELE is a non profit association funded in December 2005, and approved by the Ministery of Education and Culture from Uruguay as an Education and Cultural Association. Th main objectives of our organization are to promote the Spanish Lenguage, the Uruguayan Culture and create intercultural experiences.
We are working on sending Uruguayan volunteers abroad and hosting volunteers from abroad. AUDELE work in cooperation with different non governmental organisations that work in diferent areas.
- working with children and teenagers that are living in the streets or in critical situation, helping with: sports, music, camps, teaching english.
- 2 with elderly population.
- rural areas, environmental awarnes and farm development.
- people with disabilities.
The volunteers that we host in Uruguay help in the above mentioned activities.
The volunteers that we can send to countries of EU can do the above mentioned activities.
When volunteers arrive we help them with different organizations. Essencially we try to arrange for the volunteers who arrive to Uruguay to have a good experience and achive their goals. Apart of working in their project AUDELE can offer to the volunteers:
- Spanish course and Uruguayan culture experience.
- Cultural activities.
We are very interested in participate in the Black Butterfly program in order to learn more about EVS, and also about the other Younth in Action programs. It can be a very good opportunity to our organisation to improve our work, meet our partners and also to meet people that work in our same area, that can become new partners.
AUDELE website
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This blog reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.