Everything is Possible
Description of the organisation:
Everything is Possible has over the last 10 years developed partnerships with organisations who support young people with fewer opportunities. Our organisation was set up to support young people from black & minority ethnic groups as well as the most excluded young people, such as homeless young people, those with drug & alcohol problems, those in prison, young people with no education or excluded from school, individuals with a history of mental health, those who have been thorugh the system of local authority care and young parents. We are a social enterprise which erflects that the organisation puts all it's profits back into the work with our target group. We speacialise in offering international mobility opportunities to young people, and also preparation for these opportunities, in various settings including prisons, youth centres & non-formal education centres. Our current aims & the work we have done over the last few years has allowed us to work with more & more marginalised young people, we would like to build on this experience, multiply the opportunities through disseminating what we do within the programme more diversely to organisations working in new fields and also new countries we do not work partnership with.
Strong Linx
Exhibition Pictures:
Leeds Young Authors
Description of the organisation:
Leeds Young Authors was est as an approach to creative education to promote youth voice and positive social dialogue through the written and spoken word across race, class, gender and sexual orientation among youth (13+) in the City of Leeds and nationally. The overall goal are to promote active literacy, creative self-expression, cultural awarness and the benefits that good writing skills can afford todays youths through the following actions: creative writing workshops in and out of schools with community groups, staging poetry slams and festivals, peer to peer mentoring, mentorship of young people by renows writers and performers.
The Carriageworks Theatre
Description of the organisation:
The Carriageworks is a vibrant community theatre and conferencing venue in the heart of Leeds. Situated in the 'Electric Press' development on Millennium Square, the theatre provides a range of entertainment from regonal professional and amateur dramatics to film, dance and regional talent, while also being the principal venue for various key festivals such as Leeds International Film Festival, Breeze International Youth Festival and Leeds Jewish International PErforming Arts Festival.
Chances for all
Workshop Pictures
Youth in Action is the Programme the European Union has set up for young people. It aims to inspire a sense of active European citizenship, solidarity and tolerance among young Europeans and to involve them in shaping the Union's future. It promotes mobility within and beyond the EU's borders, non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue, and encourages the inclusion of all young people, regardless of their educational, social and cultural background: Youth in Action is a Programme for all.
Every year, thousands of projects are submitted by promoters in order to get financial support from the Programme; a selection process aims at granting the best projects. (excerpt from the Youth in Action website: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/youth/programme/about_youth_en.php)
To access to the ''Youth in Action'' Programme website, please click here.
Every year, thousands of projects are submitted by promoters in order to get financial support from the Programme; a selection process aims at granting the best projects. (excerpt from the Youth in Action website: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/youth/programme/about_youth_en.php)
To access to the ''Youth in Action'' Programme website, please click here.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This blog reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
What is a Grundtvig Assistanship?
Grundtvig is part of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) and aims to strengthen the European dimension in adult education. Grundtvig Assistantships are designed for staff involved in adult education to work in another participating country, to learn about different practices in the field with the aim of enhancing their professional development. Assistantships must last between 12 and 45 weeks.
The type of activities an Assistant might undertake includes:
- assisting in facilitating learning, or with some aspect of managing adult education;
- providing support for adults with special educational needs;
- providing information on the UK and assisting in the teaching of English;
- introducing or reinforcing the European dimension in the host organisation;
- initiating, developing and assisting in the implementation of projects.
- assisting in facilitating learning, or with some aspect of managing adult education;
- providing support for adults with special educational needs;
- providing information on the UK and assisting in the teaching of English;
- introducing or reinforcing the European dimension in the host organisation;
- initiating, developing and assisting in the implementation of projects.
Assistants should be fully integrated in life at the host organisation. As Grundtvig Assistantships are open to all adult education staff, the level of experience and seniority of participants varies.
(extract from the ''2011 Guide for Applicants'' realised by ECORYS UK and the Lifelong Learning Programme)
To read more about the Grundtvig Assistanship, please:
- read the PDF ''2011 Guide for applicants'': click here.
- visit the ECORYS website: click here.
- visit the french website of the National french Agency Europe Education Formation 2e2f: click here.
(extract from the ''2011 Guide for Applicants'' realised by ECORYS UK and the Lifelong Learning Programme)
To read more about the Grundtvig Assistanship, please:
- read the PDF ''2011 Guide for applicants'': click here.
- visit the ECORYS website: click here.
- visit the french website of the National french Agency Europe Education Formation 2e2f: click here.